Silky lupine, scarlet gilia, yarrow, gallardia, clarkia, Wyeth buckwheat, Idaho fescue, maybe a grand collomia in there. The summer prairie is nearing its peak. This area was planted four years ago.
I’m a musician and composer who has had his ears and fingers into many different worlds of music. In the 1980s I released two albums on the Flying Fish label; the first was a solo album and the second was with William Pint and Bob Kotta as “Ellipsis.” After that I had a foray into “new” music, with my works being performed by the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, Chanticleer, Northwest Chamber Orchestra, Pacific String Quartet, etc. Over the last twenty years I have also composed and performed music for Seattle-based performance artist Thomas Arthur. From 1990 to 2005 I designed and taught the World Music curriculum at Washington State University. Starting in 2009 I have devoted myself entirely to my work as a musician.
For more on my music, visit my website—