Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A year of flowers #10: Shooting stars


 Dodecatheon pulchellum

One part of this prairie project has been to identify threatened spots around me here in Palouse and try to rescue plants before they are destroyed.  Numerous times, when I have seen plants threatened, I have hesitated to intervene, and then someone comes through spraying, graveling, or dredging, and--it's gone.   I continue to see these sites destroyed, which makes me sad.  We have to try to save this before it's gone forever!  

So, as time goes on, I have decided to try to save plants about to be taken out, one way or another, and my Shooting stars are an example.   Early on, I mentioned how I came to transplant Grass widows, and there will be several examples of this sort of rescue in my "year of flowers."  This delicate little flower blows my mind with its beauty, and when it comes back every year, I have hope that I can rescue more plants and keep this going.  To that end, one of my most helpful allies has been my friend Charlotte, who gave me some super-fine mesh bags, where I can bag a flower like this, the bunnies or deer don't eat it, and I can collect the seeds.  The seeds for this tiny thing are the smallest tiny grains you can imagine.  I have not yet gotten these to sprout from seed.

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